Monitoring and Verification of CO₂ underground
Satellite imaging, In Salah CCS project,
Algeria. Image courtesy of BP.
A wide array of monitoring technologies has been used by the oil and gas industry to track fluid movement in the subsurface. These techniques are readily adaptable to CO₂ storage to monitor the behavior of CO₂ underground. For example, seismic surveying provides an image of the subsurface, often allowing the behavior of stored CO₂ to be mapped and predicted. Other monitoring technologies include down-hole and surface CO₂ sensors. New technologies such as satellite imaging, which can detect movements of less than 1mm in the Earth's surface are also being developed. Visit the CCS Browser for more information on monitoring technologies.
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Final results book available.
A summary of 20 years of CCP - as shown at GHGT-15. View...
Publication Downloads on CO₂ Capture
Background Information on CO₂ Capture
FAQs on CO₂ Capture
CCP Activities on CO₂ Capture
Publication Downloads on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
Background Information on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
FAQs on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
CCP Activities on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
Publication Downloads on policies and economics
FAQs on policies and economics
CCP Activities on policies and economics