Publications Database - List of storage publications |
October, 2003 Gas Storage Technology Applicability to CO2 SequestrationKent F. Perry, Gas Technology Institute Geological Storage. A report by Kent Perry of the Gas Technology Institute into lessons to be learned from the gas storage industry that could be applied to the geological storage of CO2. |
October, 2003 CO2 Next Generation Capture and Storage (NGCAS) - Project Summary Q3 2003Mike Saunders, BP Geological Storage. A report by Mike Saunders of BP on the European Union's Next Generation Capture and Storage (NGCAS) project. The project assessed the potential for geological storage of CO2 around central Scotland. |
October, 2003 Risk Assessment and Remediation Options for Geologic Storage of CO2Sally M. Benson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Geological Storage Risk Assessment. This study by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, USA reports lessons learned from natural gas analogs to the geological storage of CO2 and highlights a probabilistic methodology that could be used for risk assessment. The report recommends options for risk management, mitigation and remediation. |
January, 2003 Health, Safety, and Environmental Risk Assessment for Leakage of CO2 from Deep Geologic Storage SitesPrepared by LBNL, on behalf of the CCP
This project was carried out by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and was co-funded by the US Department of Energy. The project developed a coupled framework for HSE risk assessment for geological storage of CO2. The framework will couple: |
December, 2002 Long-term CO2 Storage Using Petroleum Industry ExperienceReid B. Grigg, New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center
This project by the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology studies over 135 reservoirs in the USA into which CO2 is either being injected, has been injected or will be injected. |
October, 2002 Corrosion in high pressure CO2 - Equipment for corrosion studies and water solubility measurementsInstitute for Energy Technology, Norway
This project was carried out by the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) in Norway and is co-funded by Norway's Klimatek agency. The objective was to establish a basis for materials selection for CO2 capture, compression, transportation and injection. This project will be closely coordinated with the CCP Transporation project run by SINTEF and Reinertsen Engineering (SINTEF/Rinertsen project). The sub-goals will be: |
September, 2002 Lessons Learned from Natural and Industrial Analogues for Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Deep Geological FormationsSally Benson et al, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lessons Learned from Natural and Industrial Analogues for Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Deep Geological Formations presented at the CCP Focus Group meeting for Non-Governmental Organizations in Washington DC, September 2002. |
September, 2002 CO2 Geologic Storage - the DoE R&D Perspective 2002David Beecy, Office of Environmental Systems, US DoE CO2 Geologic Storage - the DoE R&D Perspective presented at the CCP Focus Group meeting for Non-Governmental Organizations in Washington DC, September 2002. |
September, 2002 Storage, Monitoring and Verification Plan to End - CCP NGO Focus Group meeting, Washington DC, 2002Charles Christopher Storage, Monitoring and Verification Plan to End presented at the CCP Focus Group meeting for Non-Governmental Organizations in Washington DC, September 2002. Includes details of 30 SMV projects funded at the time. |
September, 2002 Storage, Monitoring and Verification Project Overview - CCP NGO Focus Group meeting, Washington DC, 2002Charles Christopher Storage, Monitoring and Verification Project Overview - presented at the CCP Focus Group meeting for Non-Governmental Organizations in Washington DC, September 2002. |
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