CCP completed its programme in 2022 and is no longer in operation. The site is planned to remain open and maintained until 2026 to enable access to information, but it will not be updated.

Programme goals

CCP’s clear goal was to help develop next generation technologies that would reduce the costs of CCS and make CCS a practical and cost-effective option for reducing or eliminating CO2 emissions, resulting from the use of fossil fuels.

To meet this goal, CCP’s work was divided into a series of phases, with work covering four areas:
1) Storage, Monitoring and Verification, 2) Capture, 3) Policy and Incentives and 4) Communications.

As a result of this work, many of the perceived uncertainties around subsurface storage have been addressed and new, technically viable and lower cost capture routes identified, both of which will help to operationalize CCS. Further adoption of CCS at scale requires clarifications of regulations, government financial support and policies to make CCS projects commercially viable.

CCP's specific areas of focus to help it achieve its goal included:

  • Driving down the cost of existing CO₂ capture technologies for use by the oil, gas and power generation industries, through further technology R&D as well as demonstrations of next-generation technology
  • Advancing knowledge of well integrity, the performance of well materials and site certification
  • Adapting subsurface monitoring technologies to track CO2 underground
  • Informing the development of legal and policy frameworks

Participating Organizations

Industry (CCP Phase 4)

Click on logos to follow links

BP logo

Chevron logo

petrobras logo

Government Contributors

DOE logo

U.S. Department of Energy

Norges forskningsrad logo

Norges forskningsråd

EU logo

European Union

Previous Industry Members

ENI logo

shell logo

Conoco logo

statoil logo

encana logo

Repsol logo

epri logo

suncor logo

eni – Member, Phase One, Phase Two and Phase Three

Shell – Member, Phase One, Phase Two and Phase Three

ConocoPhillips – Member, Phase Two and Phase Three

StatoilHydro - Member, Phase One and Phase Two

EnCana - Member, Phase One

EPRI – Associate Member, Phase Two and Phase Three

Repsol - Associate Member, Phase One, Phase Two

General links

Capture links

Storage links

Policy links


© Copyright 2025 CCP