CO₂ Storage
The objectives of the CCP Storage, Monitoring and Verification team were to:
- Develop risk assessment and certification protocols
- Build understanding around well integrity by using field data on the performance of well materials
- Assess geomechanical stability of reservoirs and caprocks
- Develop other opportunities to improve cost-effectiveness
Learn more about CO₂ capture and storage by visiting
Final results book available.
A summary of 20 years of CCP - as shown at GHGT-15. View...
Publication Downloads on CO₂ Capture
Background Information on CO₂ Capture
FAQs on CO₂ Capture
CCP Activities on CO₂ Capture
Publication Downloads on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
Background Information on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
FAQs on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
CCP Activities on storage, monitoring and verification (SMV)
Publication Downloads on policies and economics
FAQs on policies and economics
CCP Activities on policies and economics