CCP4 Results Book: Volume 5: Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations – Results from the CO2 Capture Project, CCS Technology Development and Demonstration Results (2015-2022).
January 2023
CCP has published comprehensive results of its fourth and final phase of activity, CCP4
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CCP Project Factsheet: Development and testing of intervention technologies at Mont Terri Underground Laboratory
June 2022
PDF (1.1 Mb)
Highlights CCP’s testing of intervention technologies at Mont Terri Underground Laboratory.
The work belongs to a comprehensive testing programme that looks to address a frequently
cited concern about CO₂ capture and storage – how to mitigate the risk of possible escape of
stored CO₂ from its containment zone. Partners of CCP in this project included Mont Terri
Underground Rock Laboratory and SWISSTOPO (onsite logistics management).
CCP Annual Report 2019:
August 2020
This final Annual Report reflects on the highlights of CCP’s history as well as the group’s key developments during 2019.
PDF (8.1 Mb)
For full functionality, it is recommended to download and view the report on your desktop/device.
CCP Project Factsheet: Testing Piperazine solvent for capturing CO₂ from flue gas
July 2020
Highlights CCP’s work in the application of the piperazine solvent with advanced stripper technology to achieve a high capture rate in low-CO₂ flue gas. CCP conducted pilot testing with the University of Texas at Austin and the National Carbon Capture Center in Wilsonville, Alabama. The pilot was deemed a success and details of the project and its results can be found in this factsheet.
PDF (5.6 Mb)
CCP Annual Report 2018:
May 2019
The CCP Annual Report summarising the group’s projects during 2018.
PDF (5.6 Mb)
For full functionality, it is recommended to download and view the report on your desktop/device.
CCP Project Factsheet: 3D-Printed materials for boosting sorbent-based CO₂ capture
January 2019
Provides an overview of a project, in which CCP is a co-funding partner, looking at how innovative 3D printing technologies can be used to improve CO₂ adsorption by significantly improving efficiencies and lowering costs. The fast-evolving advances of 3D printing offer the potential for tailor-made solutions that can overcome one of the main drawbacks of traditional adsorption techniques – namely the costly regeneration of packed beds once they have reached capacity.
(330 kb) download
CCP Annual Report 2017:
June 2018
The CCP Annual Report summarising the group’s activities during 2017.
PDF (3.3 Mb)
For full functionality, it is recommended to download and view the report on your desktop/device.
CCP Annual Report 2016:
June 2017
The CCP Annual Report summarising the group’s projects during 2016.
PDF (3.2 Mb) download
For full functionality, it is recommended to download and view the report on your desktop/device.
CCP Annual Report 2015:
June 2016
The CCP Annual Report summarising the group’s activities during 2015.
PDF (5.2 Mb) download
For full functionality, it is recommended to download and view the report on your desktop/device.
CCP3 Results Book: CO₂ Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations – Results from the CO₂ Capture Project (2009-2014)
November 2015
The CCP has published comprehensive results of work from its award-winning third phase of activity, CCP3.
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E-book (29.4 Mb) download
Kindle (31.4 Mb) download
CCP Project Factsheet:
Oxy-Fuel Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG) Pilot Test
April 2015
Provides an overview of a project in which the CO₂ Capture Project, joined by Cenovus Energy, Devon Canada, Praxair and Statoil, is piloting oxy-fuel combustion technology to reduce CO₂ emissions from once-through steam generators (OTSG). OTSG boilers are the primary source of CO₂ emissions from in-situ production of heavy oil. The demonstration is part of the CCP's work to develop next-generation technologies that will make CO₂ Capture and Storage a practical and cost-effective option for reducing CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels.
(823 Kb) download
CCP Annual Report 2013:
April 2014
The CCP Annual Report summarising the group’s projects and demonstrations during 2013.
(4.3 Mb) download
CCP Project Factsheet:
Contingencies Program
April 2014
The CCP Contingencies program aims to identify anomalies that may lead to containment failure at a CO2 storage site and formulate an intervention plan using existing (or developing new) technologies. The program is a unique initiative that leverages existing industry expertise to favourably impact the future development of CCS. The CCP Storage, Monitoring and Verification (SMV) Team has been working with a cross-section of respected experts from academia, national labs and industry consultants on the first phases of the project, producing some intriguing results which may culminate in testing selected technologies in a field experiment.
(806 Kb) download
CCP Project Factsheet:
Oxy-Combustion Fluid Catalytic Cracking Demonstration Field Testing of CO₂ Capture Technology for Oil Refineries
September 2013
Provides an overview of a field demonstration the CCP is undertaking of an oxy-combustion capture technology on one of the processes in a refinery which generates the highest CO₂ emissions – the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit. The test is expected to bring closer to reality a more cost-effective technology capable of capturing up to 95% of FCC CO₂ emissions, equating to some 20-30% of total CO₂ emissions from a typical refinery.
(693 Kb) download
CCP Annual Report 2012:
May 2013
The CCP Annual Report charting the progress of the group in 2012
(2.7 Mb) download
CCP Project Factsheet:
Modular Borehole Monitoring design and field test
December 2012
Provides an overview of a project in which the CO₂ Capture Project, joined by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the US Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB), is conducting field trial deployment of a specially designed Modular Borehole Monitoring system. This modular, flexible system monitors the behaviour of injected CO₂ in the deep subsurface and is currently being field trialled in the US.
(790 Kb) download
CCP Annual Report 2011:
May 2012
The CCP 2011 Annual Report detailing progress of the group in 2011.
(2.1mb) download
CCP Project Factsheet:
CO₂ Stream Impurities: Impacts on geological storage performance and assurance
Phase 1 – Reservoir Simulation
February 2012
Provides an overview of a study the CCP is undertaking into the impact of CO₂ stream impurities on geological storage of CO₂. The potential for cost savings by delivering less pure CO₂ streams to the storage reservoir are significant if it can be shown that these impurities do not adversely impact injectivity, conformance or containment. The CCP has completed Phase 1 of the study which involved the development of reservoir models to simulate injection and plume migration of CO₂ streams from single and non-compressible gas impurities.
(919Kb) download
Petroleum Review 2011
July 2011
Covering the international oil and gas industry from field to forecourt – exploration, production, refining and marketing.
(0.6Mb) download
CCP Annual Report 2010
April 2011
The CCP 2010 Annual Report detailing progress of the group in 2010.
(1.9Mb) download
Oil Refinery CO₂ Capture Demonstration Underway in Brazil: oxy-combustion demo on a Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit – a high-CO₂ emitter in the refinery
Key documents for the media
April 2011
Available for the media are a press release, project factsheet with more information. Images are available on request.
Information for the media
CCP Project Factsheet:
GHGT-10 Technical Poster
September 2010
Provides an overview of Oxy-Fuel CO₂ Capture for In-Situ
Bitumen Extraction from Canada's Oil Sands. Presented at GHGT-10, Amsterdam.
(12 Mb) download
CO₂ Capture
and Storage In Depth Brochure
Some key principles for policymakers
September 2010
The CO₂ Capture Project has refreshed its In Depth brochure using more realistic graphics, improving the layout and updating the text. The brochure remains to be one of the few resources available that provides a spatial perspective on CO₂ storage. Please to request a copy.
A digital version of the brochure is also available to view online. Click to view digital In Depth tool
CCP2 Results Book: CCP makes crucial progress
in push for industrial-scale deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage
Key documents for the media
October 2009
The full volume is available to download and a number of materials are available for the media: Press Release, Results book preface, contents, introduction, and general infographics/images.
PDF (8.2 Mb) download
Information for the media
General infographics/images
CCP Launches Comprehensive
Technical Guide to Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage
Key documents for the Media
August 2009
A complete set of documents, illustrations and articles for the media
and other communications professionals on the CCP, its background, aims
and most recent technical publication, 'A Technical Basis for Carbon
Dioxide Storage'.
Information for the media
Download the book
Translations of the summary are available in the following languages:
English German Spanish French Italian Japanese
Portuguese Mandarin
CCS Making It Happen
May 2008
A summary of discussions from a high-level stakeholder roundtable co-organised
by Friends of Europe, The Bellona Foundation and the European Technology
Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ETP-ZEP) with the
support of the CO₂ Capture Project and the Carbon Capture and Storage
Association (CCSA).
This report presents the outcomes of Friends of Europe's roundtable
'Carbon Capture and Storage: Making it happen', held on Tuesday 27 May
The roundtable discussed the role of carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
preventing climate change and the crucial issue of who would have to
pay for it –
industry, the EU or member states.
(1.4 Mb) download
CCP2 Newsletter May 2008
May 2008
This newsletter includes updates from the end part of Phase 2 on Programme
activities and also features several technological developments including
the Wellbore Integrity Project and also the Certification Framework for
the Geological Storage of CO₂.
(2.4 Mb) download
Storing CO₂ Underground
April 2007
This is a publication from the International Energy Agency's GreenHouse
Gas program on storing CO₂ underground, using the CO₂ Capture Project
materials. Paper copies are available from www.ieagreen.org.uk
The booklet explains the geological storage of CO₂ and answers the most
frequently asked questions:
- Can CO₂ be stored deep underground?
- What difference could CCS make to global warming?
- How can CO₂ be captured from industry?
- Where can CO₂ be geologically stored?
- Why does CO₂ stay underground?
- Where are the good geological storage sites?
- Where is CO₂ geological storage happening today?
- What is the future of CO₂ geological storage?
(2.6 Mb) download
CCP Phase 1 Project Results
Co-operating for a better environment
This brochure gives details and highlights of Phase
1 of the CCP. Phase One began in 2000 and was completed in 2004, and
the document gives an overview of the key themes in the first phase and
also background on the Programme's origin and overall goals.
(994 Kb) download
CCP1 Results Book
Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations - Results from the CO₂ Capture Project: Capture and Separation of Carbon Dioxide from Combustion Sources; Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide with Monitoring and Verification
(40.2 mb) download